Welcome Forums For Tutors: Discussion of UK Training, Syllabus and Exams RSGB Announces Costs and Dates for Direct-to-Full

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    • #1460
      Pete M0PSX

        Hi everyone,

        As well as announcing the price increase for the existing three exams, the RSGB has announced pricing details for Direct-to-Full.

        The exam will last for 2 and ½ hours, and the exam fee will be £95.

        Those looking to take the Foundation>Intermediate>Full route would be required to sit 3 exams totalling £110.50, compared with the new single option at £95.

        On the other hand, the current Full exam will cost £42 for 58 questions, compared D2F’s £95 for 75 questions – causing some trainers to ask how the RSGB has arrived at the additional £55 for 17 extra questions.

        It will be possible to make an exam booking from the 11th of January 2023, with the first exam slot being on Saturday the 21st of January 2023.

        For more information, see Direct to Full Exam

        Any thoughts on the plans for Direct-to-Full and whether your club will be offering training and exams for this? Let us know.

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