Foundation Mock Exam

To help those studying for their Foundation exam, here is a 26-question mock exam. Questions have been kindly supplied to HamHub UK by the team at Ham Train, who offer a free online course and access to several mock exams.

Foundation Mock Exam

For the best results when taking this course, make sure you’re not interrupted, have a copy of the 4-page exam reference booklet with you, and complete it within one hour of starting. Good luck!


Ham Train - Free Foundation Courses

This is one of many mock tests offered as part of the Hamtrain course – mock questions are available as part of the free course, and more full mock tests are available as needed. The pass mark for Foundation is 19/26, and if you’ve followed a suitable training course, you should be able to pass without a problem.

Not got the score you expected?

  • You’ve probably not fully studied the required content. Sign up to the free Foundation Online course. This includes a mix of study notes, handouts, videos and mock tests, and the pass rate is over 98%

Want to try more mocks?

Want more mocks like this? The Ham Train mocks are available as part of the HamTrain course, or via the HamHub Patreon Site

If you have a question about this mock, or exams in general, please ask in our training forum.

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