Commonwealth Games: UK Government Special Event Station 2022

The UK Government Office, located in Birmingham City Centre, will be operating a special event station in support of the 2022 Commonwealth Games on Friday 28th July. 

The station will be operated by NHS England in association with HAM Hub UK. It will be on air between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 using the HUB NET platform. 

The station will be identified as Her Majesty’s Government Radio Communications Station GB1HMG.  Its aim is to support the Commonwealth Games theme of connecting communities globally. 

If you would like to operate the station please email Paul Devlin on Paul@HamHub.UK or via Twitter @DevlinPJ

Paul, creator of the NHS Radio Communications Station GB1NHS said “now more than ever, we need to use all modes of communication to improve the lives of communities globally. Amateur radio has never had such a wonderful opportunity to contribute to this challenge”. 

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  1. Paul Devlin G1SMP


    We are so incredibly grateful for all your support Ham Hub UK. This is a truly historic, unprecedented event which wouldn’t have materialised without your help. Thank you!

  2. Terence Barfield


    Please send me yourAmateur radio club website …
    To allow Terence to see what this radio club activities are many thank yous

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