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Is there a Ham Radio Refresher Course?

Here’s a question from a site visitor:

“I did my licence back in the early 70s and then went 10-7 for some years, Can you tell me if there is a course that will bring me up-to-date? I’ve retired now and want to take it up as a hobby again we have moved up north and I need something to get my brain going”

Here, we give you a few options:

  • You can get the Foundation Manual from the RSGB and flick through this at your leisure, or use it as a reference book
  • You can have a flick through the slides for Foundation – to get an overview of what is covered at Foundation (Module 6 “Licence Conditions” and 9 “Operating Procedures” are probably most relevant

You can also consider taking a course. The Foundation Online course is an entry-level Foundation course, which is designed to help people get their first licence. This course can be used as a refresher though:

  • You can take the standard Foundation Online course – this typically runs for 3 week (3 modules a week, for 3 weeks). This is structured towards sitting the exam, with quizzes and mock tests – For those not actually using this for an exam, the course team asks for a small donation
  • There is a “Fast Track” option, where all of the material is available straight away, so you can dive in to modules of interest, rather than study towards the exam. For Fast Track, they also ask for a donation, due to the work involved in setting up the account

Hopefully that gives you some options.

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