Just got your licence? Some websites to visit

There are some great websites and resources out there to help you get started, and also a few “must visit” places on the Internet. Here are a few that we’d encourage all newcomers to take a look at…

www.rsgb.orgThe Radio Society of Great Britain. Information on all aspects of amateur radio, plus free help and advice. Go here for the latest amateur radio band plans, and details of local clubs.

www.qrz.com – The online directory of amateur radio callsigns. Add your details when you get your callsign

www.eQSL.cc – This service allows you to create an online log of contacts, and exchange electronic QSL cards (postcards) when you make a contact

www.essexham.co.uk – Sign up as a free member for updates about the hobby (over 2,500 members worldwide)

www.southgatearc.org – For the latest amateur radio news

www.ukrepeater.net  – A list of all the active repeaters in the UK

www.websdr.org – Radios around the world that you can control remotely (More on WebSDRs)

PSK Reporter LiveMap – A map showing live data contacts taking place in real-time.

DX Summit “Cluster” – A live list of who’s on-air in real-time

Any top websites we’ve missed? Add them in the comments below.

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